I recently built my first native iOS app with Svelte, Capacitor, and Firebase (coming soon!). The stack is a breeze to work with, but I ran into a snag getting Firebase to work in the iOS builds. Non of the firebase calls were returning. Luckily, a friendly redditor pointed out the problem: Firebase auth needs to be initialized manually on iOS, or else signInWithPopUp and signInWithRedirect will hold things up - even when using a capacitor plugin that authorizes natively like capacitor-firebase-authentication. So here’s my code to manually authorize on iOS:
function whichAuth() {
let auth
if (Capacitor.isNativePlatform()) {
auth = initializeAuth(app, {
persistence: indexedDBLocalPersistence
} else {
auth = getAuth()
return auth
export const auth = whichAuth()
With this code, my app is working flawlessly - and development has been a joy!
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